Transfer your WordPress website to SiteGround without any hassle in a completely automated way using SiteGround Migrator.
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April 23, 2024
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SiteGround Migrator

SiteGround Migrator: the easiest way to move your site to SiteGround

This plugin is designed to automate the transfer of a WordPress instance to a SiteGround hosting account. It can’t be used to transfer a WordPress instance to another hosting provider.

Important: This solution is not suitable for migrating localhost WordPress sites or for Full Multisite installations (separate Multisite blogs are fine).

How to Use

First, you need to get a transfer token from your SiteGround account. You can do this through the WordPress Migrator tool located in the WordPress section of your SiteGround hosting control panel.

Once you select the domain name that you want to initiate the transfer for, our system will generate a transfer token for you.Paste the token in your SiteGround Migrator plugin and press Initiate Transfer. That’s all!

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.