Simple Scroll Up Button is a lightweight plugin which adds a simple scroll up button on the page of your WordPress website.
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August 12, 2020
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Simple Scroll Up Button

Simple Scroll Up Button Plugin adds a floating scroll up button at the bottom right side of the page when scrolled down. When clicked the button, rolls smoothly to the top. This is convenient when you have a long page, and you want to give your visitors an easy way to get back to the top.

When visitors have to scroll down to read the content on a long page or long post, they need to scroll up to see what else is there on your website. Scrolling by their hand with a mouse or trackpad to the top is very tedious. Simple Scroll Up Button Plugin helps to reach the top by one click. Also, the transition is smooth and improves user experience. You can choose the color of button to suit on your website.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.