
Simple Blurb

Adds a Gutenberg block that showcases a short piece of information.
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November 2, 2022
Instalasi aktif
Simple Blurb

This plugin will allow you to add a blurb from the WordPress block editor.

Blurbs are a great way to inform your visitors about important content of your website by using a image, a title and a description.

For the title and the description we use built-in Gutenberg blocks.


  • Alignments: you will able to align the blurb content, the image, the title and the description from the block toolbar
  • Image top animation: enable a smooth top animation from the settings sidebar
  • New blocks in the description: enable the ability to add new blocks (paragraphs and list) from the settings toolbar.
  • Customization: This plugin offer fields to set the blurb maximum width, color, padding, etc.
  • This is just a simple blurb. If people use it and like it, new interesting features will be added!
Gratisdi paket Creator
Instalasi aktif
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.