
ShortPixel Critical CSS

Critical CSS plugin by ShortPixel to speed up your website. Easy to use, works on any website.
Terakhir diperbarui
May 16, 2024
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ShortPixel Critical CSS

With ShortPixel Critical CSS plugin, your website can automatically generate above-the-fold CSS for your web pages. This means your website will load faster and get better scores with online testing tools like PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.

How it works?

  • ShortPixel’s Critical CSS (CCSS) plugin uses our brand new service to generate the critical CSS for your website’s pages.
  • The generated CCSS is inserted into the web pages while the original .css files are deferred. This makes the pages load faster.
  • The plugin starts generating the CCSS for each visited page and retrieves it from the ShortPixel Critical CSS Service. This is done using WP CRON jobs that run in the background without user intervention and without slowing down the website.
  • The edited pages will have the CCSS automatically generated.


  • The CCSS plugin can be configured to keep Critical CSS rules based on the page URL or for each page template. This can help optimize the number of CCSS files needed.
  • Additional flexibility: the website administrator can manually configure additional Critical CSS rules to be included in the generated Critical CSS.
  • Our plugin integrates with WP Rocket and Elementor, if they are present, in order to leverage the cache support and deliver Critical CSS more effectively.

The plugin was forked from the WP Critical CSS plugin, modified to use ShortPixel’s Critical CSS service and enhanced with new features.

Currently, the plugin while in its BETA version, is 100% free to use. Just install it on your website, configure it and test the results with a tool like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix

For questions or support, please contact us directly here

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.