Gather feedback, identify bugs and collect ideas from your visitors with our simple feedback button. 10-day free trial!
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March 17, 2022
Saber Feedback Button

What is Saber Feedback?

Saber Feedback is a simple, flexible and customizable feedback button that sits on your website and opens a line of communication with your customers and visitors so you can:

  • Understand what they truly think about your website
  • Collect ideas and boost retention
  • Uncover growth opportunities
  • Discover urgent bugs
  • Simplify the QA process

Multiple ways to collect feedback

With Saber feedback you have different ways to collect feedback from your visitors or customers:

  • Feedback button: a customizable button as a trigger. You can even create your own!
  • Feedback forms: Get the feedback you need with customizable forms. Use one of our templates – Net Promoter Score, Feedback Catgory or Rating – or create your own.
  • Visual feedback: Users can take screenshots when they need to, so they don’t have to waste time describing the problem.
  • Email and integrations: Connect Saber feedback with the tools you already use (Jira, Slack, Trello, email and many more!).

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