WordPress Plugin that shows the last post viewed by a user in several template views like widget, shortcode and sidebar navigation isuc is standing fo …
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May 8, 2019

WordPress Plugin that shows the last post viewed by a user in several template views: 1. WordPress widget 2. Shortcode [isuc_posts_viewed] 3. Simple navigation

Template Overriding

If you are a theme developer or using a theme with custom templates you can override plugin template by the following structure: Copy the plugin templates into a directory within your theme named /rng-isuc and modify templates.

Main features in rng-isuc include:

  • Very light and easy to use
  • Showing last posts viewed by the visitor
  • WordPress Widget with tow style
  • Has shortcode to showing the last posts viewed [isuc_posts_viewed]
  • Has beautiful navigation that shows last posts viewed
  • This plugin avoids from any conflict with other plugins
  • Has not any overhead

it is strongly was recommended that after the plugin is activated, go to the Settings > Last post viewed and configure the plugin.

Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.