Responsive Data Table is a plugin for managing horizontal data tables in responsive structure for desktop & mobile devices.
Terakhir diperbarui
July 29, 2019
Instalasi aktif
Responsive Data Table

Responsive Data Table is a plugin for managing horizontal data tables in responsive structure for desktop & mobile devices. You can easily embed your data table into pages, posts and widgets by using shortcode. You can split your column head into multiple sub head. Multiple tables can be used in a single page with different color combinations. Table data can be easily edited in a table format in WordPress admin.

1.3 – A new feature has been introduced for responsive layout. You can display full table in small device with horizontal scrollbar. Now you can enter the data once and you can try both the options.

  • Display full table in small screen with horizontal bar
  • Display responsive table in small screen

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Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.