The plugin installs a widget that helps you collect feedback, support request, and bugs in a WordPress website.
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March 25, 2022
Redpen Widget

Customer Support Request and Bug Capture Platform

Enhance the power of your favorite issue tracking tool by reporting visual and actionable issues and reducing bug turnaround time – all of this without leaving your web browser.

Redpen reduces the development and support costs by replacing the long, often mundane process of reporting issues and bugs with a mere single click! With Redpen, you not only save time reporting issues but also provide valuable diagnostic information and visual feedback to help the development team attack the problem. Connect it with your favorite issue-tracking service and boost your software team’s productivity and product quality like never before.

How it Works

Get started for Free

Get started for free. No credit card is required.


Smart Actionable Issues

No more communication fuss. Report visual issues that are actionable.

Redpen allows you to annotate and pinpoint issues anywhere on your web application and report meaningful visual issues.

Record Screen with Voice Comments

Reduce time in explaining the issue with long descriptions or repro steps.

Redpen helps you add your voice comments to the issue while recording the screen. The voice comments are added as the description of the issue created.

Browser Diagnostic Information

Skip the developer-tester back and forth to identify OS, browser and its version, screen size, etc while reporting the issue. Issues reported using Redpen will have all the essential diagnostic information required to not just identify the bugs, but recreate and resolve them as well.

Redpen captures all technical metadata like OS, browser information, etc.


Enrich your bug solving and feedback collecting process by integrating the most popular issue tracking software with Redpen.

  • Jira

  • Azure DevOps

Integrate seamlessly and save time to build high-quality products for your customer as it power-ups the process with auto attached rich-diagnostic information.

Easy setup

No code, no hassle. Simply create the Redpen Widget by connecting it to your favorite issue tracking services to get started and install it in your store. Boost your team’s productivity in seconds!

File Issues in Jira using the following Redpen applications/tools:

  • Redpen Widget

  • Redpen browser extensions – Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox

  • Desktop Applications – Windows, Mac

  • Other

Get it from Redpen Downloads

Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.