
Recent Comments with Avatars

This plug-in provides a configurable widget to display recent comments with comment author avatars.
Terakhir diperbarui
August 10, 2012
Instalasi aktif

Once the widget is added to your sidebar you may easily configure it to provide a display of recent comments with comment author avatars. The options are:

  • The title of the widget.
  • Limit the number of comments to shown (1 to 15).
  • Option to display the avatar of the comment author, or not.
  • Set the size of the avatar.
  • Chose to have the comment author’s URL (if given) open in a new window,
  • Show the date of the comment, or not.
  • Set the format of the date.
  • Set the size (as a fraction of the normal text size) of the date string.
  • Show an excerpt from the comment.
  • Convert smilies in the excerpt.
  • Show a country flag indicating the source of the comment, requires MySQL database modifications, see below.
  • Show a country flag in main comment loops, non-widget, requires theme and MySQL database modifications, see below.

The style of the output may be controlled with simple CSS rules that need to be included in your styles.css template file. The container (i.e. <ul> or <table>) has the id recentcomments (use CSS .recentcomments). List items (i.e. <li>) have the class recentcomments (use CSS #recentcomments).

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.