This plugin inserts a panoramic player into a WordPress article to view a 360 panoramic picture in QTVR format (.mov)
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January 9, 2012
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This plugin inserts a panoramic player into a WordPress article to view a 360 panoramic picture in QTVR format (.mov)

To view a QTVR file (.mov) it’s required a browser plugin that supports this type of files, this WordPress plugin uses QuickTime or DevalVR

This WordPress plugin is based in the Javascript code “detectvr.js”, this workaround is used to autodetect the browser plugin present in the user computer. If QuickTime is present, then QuickTime is used (this plugin is present in all Mac computers and 65% of Windows computers). If QuickTime is not present, then a message is shown to allow the user to install DevalVR plugin, this is a very small plugin for Windows (about 0.3 MB) of high quality and performance.

It’s possible to define an option in the viewer to allow the user to choose the preferred browser plugin.


To insert the player into the article write the next statement in the text of the article:

{qtvr filename width height}

Replace the parameter “filename” by the MOV file name and the “width” and “height” parameters by the size in pixels of the player window. Example:

{qtvr 460 300}

The base folder for the MOV files is the content folder of your WordPress installation (by default /wp-content/) For example, if you write: {qtvr pictures/ 460 300} , the file should be in /wp-content/pictures/

You can use absolute URLs too, for example:

{qtvr 460 300}

It’s possible to define any parameters for DevalVR or QuickTime, with the help of the functions devalvr() and qt() respectively. The parameters must be written between the parentheses, between quotation marks, separated by commas, and in pairs name-value. Any number of parameters can be defined. Available parameters for DevalVR:


{qtvr 460 300 devalvr(“autoplay”,”2″,”autoplayspeed”,”-6″) qt(“controller”,”false”)}

It’s possible to insert some options bellow the viewer to allow the user to choose his preferred browser plugin. Use the selection() function. This function can have several parameters, separated by commas. The first parameter is the text that will be written before the selection options, the next parameters must be any of these predefined words: detect, devalvr, qt, links, combobox


{qtvr 460 300 devalvr(“autoplay”,”2″) qt(“controller”,”false”) selection(Choose viewer:, detect, devalvr, qt)}

Preview images:

It’s possible to use the function “preview(filename)” to define an image to show under the play button.

{qtvr 460 300 preview(image.jpg)}

The base folder for preview images is the content folder of your WordPress installation (by default /wp-content/) For example, if you write: {qtvr 460 300 preview(pictures/image.jpg)} , the file should be in /wp-content/pictures/image.jpg

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.