
Posts and Products Views for WooCommerce

Posts and Products Views for WooCommerce is useful for admin to see Posts And WC Product views counter in Admin Panel in WC Product's Table and P …
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July 20, 2023
Instalasi aktif

Posts and Products Views for WooCommerce is a plugin maintained by the SCI Intelligencia team that helps Admin to see Posts And WC Product views counter in Admin Panel in WC Product’s Table and Posts Table.

Fully supported by the SCI Intelligencia team with features that are necessary to keep check on which Post is getting more attention and which WC Product has most views.

At a glance, this plugin adds the following:

  • Administrators can see Posts Views on WordPress Admin Panel > Posts > All Posts
  • Administrators can see WC Product Views on WordPress Admin Panel > Products > All Products
  • Shortcode [papvfwc_views] to show current Post’s/ WC Product’s views.
  • [papvfwc_views text=’Views’ style=’light’]
  • [papvfwc_views text=’Views’ style=’dark’]
  • Leave Empty for default
  • [papvfwc_views text=” style=”]
  • It can also work without WC only for Posts Views Counter.
  • Admin can edit Views

By default, this plugin once activated No configuration required, shows a Views counter on WC Products Table, And WordPress Posts Table.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.