
Paystack Gateway for Sprout Invoices

Pay with Paystack on Sprout Invoices
Terakhir diperbarui
October 5, 2023
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Paystack Gateway for Sprout Invoices

Sprout Invoices is one of the best invoicing plugins on WordPress.

The Paystack Gateway for Sprout Invoices allows site owners from Nigeria and Ghana to accept payments from their customers via Sprout.

Intuitive Dashboard

Use the Paystack dashboard to manage your customers, payments, and track your growth.

Fraud Protection

For Paystack, stopping fraud is top priority. We’ve used machine learning to minimize risks, reduce chargebacks and its associated costs. Paystack’s fraud systems is built to learn. And so it’s continually adapting to both local and international fraud.

We screen every transaction by checking the IP, history, geolocation etc. to proactively identify fraudulent transactions. The entire network is used to prevent fraud. We learn from card and device fingerprints used to pay across different merchants.

Multiple Channels

We’ve done all the heavy lifting such that you can immediately start accepting payments across all channels. Allow your customers make payments via their credit/debit card, bank accounts, USSD and Mobile Money.

Paystack Go!

Track your business performance in the palm of your hand with Paystack Go! – This is a Progressive Web App that gives you access to your dashboard even when you are offline. You can easily look up transactions, track your businesses, and send invoices on the go.

If your Paystack business has been activated, simply visit on your mobile phone to use Paystack Go.

Join our growing community

When you download Paystack, you join a community of more than ten thousand merchants, developers, and enthusiasts. We’re one of the fastest-growing open source communities online, and no matter your skill level we’d love to have you!

If you’re interested in contributing to Paystack plugins and libraries we’ve got more than 100 contributors, and there’s always room for more. Head over to the Paystack GitHub Repository to find out how you can pitch in.

We also have a developer community on Slack where we share product announcements, private events and discuss contributions to open source library and plugins. Join the Payslack Community here.

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.