
Wholesale Order Table for WooCommerce

Wholesale Order Table for WooCommerce lets your customers make fast bulk orders. Perfect for B2B and wholesalers!
Terakhir diperbarui
May 24, 2024
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Wholesale Order Table for WooCommerce is the perfect solution for wholesale ordering because of its fast order process and its visualization of product data.

Recurring orders of large volumes of many products will be made fast and easy.

In wholesale, there will often be beneficial to display the product price per consumer unit even if you sell it in whole batches.

On the settings page, you will be able to add the column “Unit Price” which will automatically calculate the unit price if you have given the “Package size” quantity attribute.

To show the order table on any page, use the shortcode [ordertable] or [ordertable categories=”category A slug , category B slug”] or [ordertable tags=”tag A, tag B”] if you want to include only certain categories or tags. To limit products per page using the shortcode use [ordertable limit=x]. To order products use [ordertable orderby=”title”]. To show products sorted by their category title use [ordertable show_categories=”true”]. To show the category description along with the title add show_category_description=”true” to the shortcode.

The plugin is also available in a premium version that lets you display selected product data from attributes, tags, images, SKU, tax class, unit price, package price etc.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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