
Order Editing for Easy Digital Downloads

Add order editing controls to the Orders backend in Easy Digital Downloads 3
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July 6, 2023

Important: This is a BETA release. Please test and monitor accordingly.


As of this plugin’s creation, Easy Digital Downloads 3 doesn’t appear include the ability to edit orders in the WordPress admin after they have been created. This plugin adds order editing capabilities to the Downloads > Orders > (order view) interface. That’s all – there is no configuration needed.

When this plugin is active, when viewing an order in the admin there should be a remove (X) option next to each item in the order, as well as next to any discounts recorded on the order. Below the order items list, there should also be options to add adjustments, discounts, and downloads. Currently, the process for making changes to an order with this plugin involves removing the item that needs to be changed, and re-adding it with the appropriate modifications.

Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.