License GPLv3 License URI: List network sites together with external sites and event-sites Uses link manager …
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December 15, 2016
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Shows a list of installed, public, sub-sites in wordpress. Using Link-Manager to hold links for event-pages and external pages, this plugin gives a full list of all member NGO:s. Link-Manager has to have two link categories “Extern” and “Evenemangssida”. You add your external member sites, and your event-pages to these categories to get them listed.

Using the shortcode [site-list] in a page or post or widget gives you a list of all sites on the portal. Don’t forget to mark event-pages as not public in Multi-site-site-list-shortcode settings, not to get them listed among proper sites.

Using the shortcode [search-site] you will get a responsive searchfield where you can search any member site and click on the link to get there.

This plugin is intended to be used in a portal for NGO:s where you can have some members that have their website on the portal, and some has there own web-site together with a tiny version of a web-site on the portal where they can add events to be shown in a mutual portal calendar. Then you can link to there real site using the link group external sites.

See documentation on for more information about NGO-portal and GitHub for the code and documentation about this plugin.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.