Allows visitors to easily and quickly subscribe to your website with double optin, email templates, notifications, block spam.
Terakhir diperbarui
April 22, 2013
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Navayan Subscribe

Navayan Subscribe allows your visitors to easily and quickly subscribe to your website with double optin process, custom email templates, post/page notifications. Can be used as sidebar widget.


  • Double opt-in Subscribe and UnSubscribe
  • Default form field – Email
  • Extended form fields – Name and Custom field
  • Custom form heading, field labels
  • Custom Email Templates
  • Custom Error/Success/Information messages
  • Option to hide form after success
  • Send new subscriber notification to admin
  • Send new post notification to subscribers
  • Featured image in post notification
  • Sidebar Widget
  • Display Subscribe form on Subscribe page
  • Option to send post content in email
  • Translate text support
  • User gets removed if UnSubscribed
  • Checks whether user is logged in or not
  • jQuery form validation
  • HTML5 Placeholder
  • HTML5 Validation with jQuery fallback
  • Displays various users count
  • Show Subscribers count – Optional
  • Works with Custom Post Types too
  • Restricts specific IPs, Domains, Emails with custom messages
  • Active theme CSS for email templates

Take a look at Screenshots



  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Go to Dashboard -> Tools -> Navayan Subscribe
  3. Customize the form settings and email templates as you want
  4. Go to ‘Appearance -> Widgets’, drag and drop ‘Navayan Subscribe’ widget in one of your sidebars.

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.