A super simple plugin to display your recent 25 items from an Envato Marketplace.
Terakhir diperbarui
March 7, 2013
Instalasi aktif
My Envato

This is a very simple plugin to display the last 25 items from an Envato marketplace such as ThemeForest or CodeCanyon for a particular user.

Each item’s thumbnail is wrapped in a link to the item with the user’s username added at the end as a referral link.

The items can be served up via a shortcode or a widget. The plugin uses the WordPress HTTP API and makes use of the Transients API to cache data from Envato for quicker pageloads.

The output of the plugin can be changed using the following filters:

  • my_envato_items_start – before the items list, default:
    * *my_envato_item_start* – before the item link, default:

  • * *my_envato_item_anchor_class* – class of item link, default: * *my_envato_item_image_class* – class of item image, default: * *my_envato_item_end* – after the item link, default:
  • * *my_envato_items_end* – after the items list, default:

  • my_envato_cache – caching time in seconds, default: 60 * 60 = 1 hour

Shortcode usage in a post or page: [my-envato marketplace=”codecanyon” user=”pvw”]

Shortcode usage outside of the loop, in a theme file:

See the plugin in action in the sidebar here

If you have any issues or feature requests please visit and use the Support Forum

Plugin Page | @polevaultweb


This plugin uses the Envato API and is not endorsed or certified by Envato. All Envato logoes and trademarks displayed on this website are property of Envato.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.