This plugin shortens links and allows you to store them on your website.
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August 24, 2023
Mx Link Shortener

This plugin shortens links and allows you to store them on your website. You can put a link shortener on any page of your website and give your users the opportunity to shorten their links 🙂

To make the plugin work on your website you should:

1) Create a new page where your users will shorten their long links and add this shortcode there [mx_link_shortener]

2) Create one more page where the short links will go and add this shortcode there [mx_link_shortener_land]

3) Go to the plugin’s settings page in your admin dashboard and fill in some data

4) Send a Link Shortener page url to your friend and ask him/her to shorten a link 🙂

How does it work video

Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.