Metype - A complete engagement solution for your Wordpress site. It keeps your audience hooked by allowing rich media comments, reactions and sharing …
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July 17, 2019
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Metype – A complete engagement solution for your WordPress site. It keeps your audience hooked by allowing rich media comments, reactions and sharing options. Create a free account instantly and be on your way to engage and build your audience.

  • Live feed widget re-circulates content among your audience.
  • Social login using Facebook, Google and Twitter.
  • Comments Manager to delete or restore comments is packaged with an in-built auto spam detection powered by Akismet so spammers are kept at bay.
  • Moderate comments based on keywords in all languages and scripts;
  • Configurable colours so that the widgets blend in with the theme of your website.
  • Ban users so comments made by them are auto deleted.
  • Manage administrators of your account.
  • A bunch of settings to configure the widgets to suit your style.

Note: The User Generated Content plugin is not available to non-Quintype publishers at the moment. For more details about Quintype, visit

For more details visit: Metype For any queries, please write to us at

Check our privacy policy and terms & conditions.

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.