

Create and manage a list of meetings through your WordPress install
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January 1, 2009

Meeting List stores and manages meeting information through your WordPress install. Originally created to manage a 12-step groups (AA, NA, CA, OA, GA, Ala-Anon, Etc.) list of meetings in a city.

It can also be put to use for any other weekly recurring meeting or event such as pool availability, sports teams practice, etc. Meeting entries can be marked as published or unpublished, or marked as not visible so they won’t display prematurely. There are functions to embed a list of meetings in a page, sorted by day. There’s also a notes field (for special focus, special topics, etc).

Thanks go to Deborah McDonnell for her plugin Bibliofly which was my hook into plugin writing.

NOTE This is pre-beta software, is rapidly changing and should not be used (yet) in a production environment!

Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.