ImbaChat is free chat plugin for Wordpress. Online support chat, group chat and private chat between users in one cloud service.
Terakhir diperbarui
December 2, 2023
Instalasi aktif

ImbaChat is free chat plugin for WordPress. Online support chat, group chat and private chat between users in one cloud service. It allows to add chat widget on your website for free. Integration with BuddyPress, SweetDate and WCFM Marketplace. ImbaChat also provides private video chat and group video chat between users for the webinars. Learn more about the plugin here.


  • Full integration with the user base of your website
  • Live chat for online support service
  • Private chat between users
  • Group chat with unlimited number of participants
  • Single authorisation mechanism in the chat and on the website (users don’t need to sign up twice)
  • Chat moderation
  • Interface appearance and language customization
  • Sending pictures, geolocations and files
  • Video chat and voice chat
  • Emoji
  • Chat data backup
  • You can use it on shared hosting
  • It continues correct working even without the Internet (Your messages will be sent as soon the Internet appears)


Demo chat on the WordPress website

Demo chat on the Buddypress website

Demo chat on the Sweet Date website

Demo chat on the WCFM Marketplace website

Repository with plugin for WordPress CMS

Open source code for demo site

Gratisdi paket Creator
Instalasi aktif
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.