
If Block — Visibility control for Blocks

This block enables you to configure certain content to appear only if specified conditions are met.
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June 14, 2020
If Block — Visibility control for Blocks

This block enables you to configure certain content to appear only if specified conditions are met (or be hidden) by setting different visibility rules.

You can add any Gutenberg block inside an if-block, have it render on the front-end of your site only if specified conditions are met. This block also provides an additional area (else-block) that can optionally display an alternative content in place when defined conditions are not met.

The conditional logic of this block supports both AND and OR operators in conjunction with filtering a specif user role and also detecting visitor’s browser software as well.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.