This plugin will display news/post from a specific category in a widget position with ticker(reveal) effects or fadeIn/fadeOut effects.
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June 26, 2013
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FP News Ticker

FP News Ticker allows you to display news/post from a specific category in a widget position with ticker(reveal – output will like type writing) effects or fadeIn/fadeOut effects. The sliding/scrolling options are managable from wordpress admin area. You can also assign the category and the post limit.

You can control over your testimonial sliding/scrolling transition effect, time, direction etc.

** If the control buttons are not visible and the news title is not so long, then it will behave as Responsive view.

Demo Link:

Plugin Settings

  • Title – textbox (by default it is – Latest News:, you can use anything.)
  • Category ID – textbox
  • Post Limit – Options
  • Speed – textbox (You can use .100, .200 etc, Remember they worked for Reveal effect [Output will like type writing])
  • Delay Time – textbox (You can use 3000, 4000, 5000 etc, Remember they are in Milisecond)
  • Direction – Options
  • Display Type – Options
  • FadeIn Time – textbox (You can use 600, 700, 800 etc, Remember they are in Milisecond)
  • FadeOut Time – textbox (You can use 300, 400, 500 etc, Remember they are in Milisecond)
  • Control Buttons – Options
  • Debug – Options (Show some helpful errors in the console or as alerts)
Gratisdi paket Creator
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