Caches RSS Feeds for display on your WP sidebar.
Terakhir diperbarui
August 12, 2009
Instalasi aktif

FeedCache will retrieve, cache and store locally a list of RSS feeds that you can then display on your WP site. This prevents multiple HTTP requests with each page load since the feeds can be read from the cache file.


  • Ruby
  • Rubygems with the following gems installed:
    • active_record
    • feed_tools (If you are hosted with Dreamhost you have these gems already. If you are hosted elsewhere you will need to check. If you run a VPS or dedicated machine like me, then just install them via sudo gem install)
  • CRON access



If you are upgrading from a version of FeedCache prior to v0.9.8, please deactivate and delete your existing feedcache plugin directory and follow the new installation steps.

  1. Deactivate the previous version of FeedCache through your WordPress plugins menu

  2. Upload the new feedcache-cron.rb, feedcache.php and complete lib/ directory files to your existing feedcache directory. You do not need to overwrite your feedcache-config.yml file.

  3. Enter the correct FEEDCACHE_DIR variable in the feedcache-cron.rb script

  4. Go to Options -> FeedCache Options and update your FeedCache settings

Gratisdi paket Creator
Instalasi aktif
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.