Let two great plugins play great together. Use FeedWordPress to aggregate geodata generated by GeoMashup.
Terakhir diperbarui
April 23, 2015
Instalasi aktif

FeedGeoMashup lets FeedWordPress pass GeoRSS data to GeoMashup. Starting with v2.0 you will find plugin options integrated into the FeedWordPress Admin UI. In particlar, you can set site-wide and feed-specific preferences to filter out posts that do not include GeoRSS data. You must have installed, activated and configured both FeedWordPress and GeoMashup.

VERY IMPORTANT: You must additionally configure FeedWordPress to “Expose syndicated posts to formatting filters.” Do this on the admin side at: Syndication > Posts & Links > Formatting > Formatting filters.


You must have FeedWordPress and GeoMashup installed, activated, and configured in order for Feed GeoMashup to do anything. Please see the independent documentation for those plugins.

VERY IMPORTANT: You must additionally configure FeedWordPress to “Expose syndicated posts to formatting filters.” Do this on the admin side at: Syndication > Posts & Links > Formatting > Formatting filters.

Once you have those pieces in place, you can activate the plugin and start pulling in GeoMashup maps.

Go to “Syndication > Posts & Links” in the FeedWordPress admin interface to set filtering preferences.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.