
Embed Code – Headers & Footers by DesignBombs

The easiest way to embed code in the head or footer of your site, globally or on a per-page/post basis.
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August 4, 2021
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Embed Code – Headers & Footers by DesignBombs

Easily insert or embed header and footer code in WordPress. Embed Code makes embedding global or page/post-specific header and footer code super easy. It can be used to add almost anything, including:

  • Google Analytics tracking code
  • Site verification snippets
  • Typekit font scripts
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom JavaScript
  • Optimizely embed code
  • Facebook tracking pixel
  • Live chat integration

It even supports embedding code on custom post types!

What’s Next?

This plugin is maintained by folks over at If you are looking to start a new website, checkout their guide on how to create a website. They also have in-depth guides on other topics like how to choose the best WordPress hosting, how to start a blog, and WordPress security.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.