
Email Confirmation for Restrict Content Pro

This plugin allow you to add a confirmation email field for Restrict Content Pro register form and use the email as username.
Terakhir diperbarui
November 11, 2021

This plugin allow you to add a confirmation email field for Restrict Content Pro register form and use the email as username.

  • You’ll get two email fields. Both emails must match.
  • Username field will be hide in registration form and the email will be the Username


  • You’ll get two email fields. Both email fields must match.
  • Username field will be hide in registration form and the email will be the Username.


  1. This plugin requires Restrict Content Pro installed and activated.
  2. No setting required. After activation, you will have both features.
Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.