Allow for granular editorial access control for all post types in WordPress
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March 18, 2017
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A simple plugin to let you control who has access to what posts. By default in WordPress, we can create users and assign them to roles. Roles are automatically assigned certain capabilities. See the codex article for a list of Roles and Capabilities. Sometimes default roles are not enough, and we have one-off situations. Editorial Access Manager lets you set which users or roles have access to specific posts. Perhaps you have a user who is a Contributor, but you want them to have access to edit one specific page? This plugin can help you.

Configuration Overview

There are no overarching settings for this plugin. Simply go to the edit post screen in the WordPress admin and configure access settings in the “Editorial Access Manager” meta box in the sidebar.

Managing Access by Roles

In the “Editorial Access Manager” meta box, enable custom access management by “Roles”. Once enabled, the post can only be edited by users that fall into those roles. However, no matter what, the Administrator role can always edit any post. This if for safety reasons. You can also only use roles that have the “edit_posts” capability; therefore “Subscriber” by default cannot be used.

Managing Access by Users

In the “Editorial Access Manager” meta box, enable custom access management by “Users”. Once enabled, the post can only be edited by designated users. However, no matter what, any administrator can edit any post. This if for safety reasons. You can also only use users that have the “edit_others_posts” capability; therefore “Subscriber” users by default cannot be used.

Fork the plugin on Github

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.