Allows Google Customer Reviews opt-in code to be inserted into Easy Digital Downloads.
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August 24, 2018
EDD Google Customer Reviews

EDD Google Customer Reviews is a Free Plugin for Easy Digital Downloads stores which allows you to use Google Merchants – Customer Reviews. Your customers are able to opt-in for completing a satisfaction survey once their transaction has been completed. This is a required step in enabling Seller Ratings in Google Ads (formerly AdWords).

Note :

Please follow these installation instruction.

Features of Plugin

  1. Quick & Easy installation from the wordpress interface
  2. Enables Google Customer Reviews Opt-in Popup on Purchase Confirmation page

Installation Instructions

  • Activate our plug-in from the Settings page. You can access the setting page from sidebar EDD Google Customer Reviews
Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.