
Easy Pagination Control

A lightweight and easy-to-configure plugin for quickly configuring the number of objects on the archives, categories, tags, taxonomies, home, search p …
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May 19, 2021
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Easy Pagination Control

This plugin is designed to create a convenient page for pagination settings for the main wordpress entities, including custom types. You can only work with the main wordpress query using the “pre_get_posts” hook. Other requests are ignored, which eliminates conflicts with the current theme settings. When developing the plugin, the emphasis was placed on maximum simplicity and minimalism. After installation, the plugin must be configured. To do this, go to the “Easy Pagination Control” tab and set the desired number of elements on the page for each entity. The plugin was created in order to have more control over the number of elements on pages within the main WP query, since by default, WP offers to specify the number of elements for all pages at once. *Since version 1.1.0, Customizer support has been added, so you can now configure pagination directly in the frontend *Since version 1.1.2, the public function easy_pagination_control_get_ppp($Entity) has been added. As an argument, it gets the name of the entity (‘Front-Page’, ‘Home’, ‘categories’, ‘Tags’, ‘Search’, or post type’s slug, or taxonomy’s slug). Returns the number of elements on the page.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.