Easy Footnotes memungkinkan Anda dengan cepat dan mudah menambahkan catatan kaki di seluruh artikel WordPress Anda menggunakan shortcode sederhana di editor teks.
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September 8, 2022
Instalasi aktif
Easy Footnotes

Easy Footnotes lets you add footnotes throughout your WordPress posts by using the shortcode [efn_note]Footnote content.[/efn_note]. Easy Footnotes will automatically add the number of the footnote where the shortcode was entered and add the full footnote text to the bottom of your post in an ordered list with a corresponding number.

Hovering the footnote label will show the user the full text of the footnote using the jQuery Qtip2 plugin. Clicking on the footnote label will take the user down the page to the corresponding footnote at the bottom of the WordPress post. Each footnote at the bottom of the post has a icon that can be clicked to return to that particular footnote within the post copy.

That’s all it takes to start adding footnotes to your WordPress blog!

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.