
Easy Dashboard

Revamp your WordPress dashboard with our modern solution that replaces standard meta boxes.
Terakhir diperbarui
February 17, 2023
Instalasi aktif
Easy Dashboard

Welcome to Easy Dashboard – the perfect plugin to help you and your clients feel more comfortable and at ease when navigating WordPress. Our tiny, yet powerful solution will change the way you experience the WordPress dashboard.

Easy Dashboard enhances the user experience by introducing a stylish, elegant, and clean layout. Once installed, you will find a new dashboard and some things wrapped up with “square-style” shortcuts, giving you quick and easy access to your menu pages. This feature is perfect for users who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.

The new dashboard also displays an elegant, localized “welcome message”, which will make you feel more at home while using WordPress. You will also have quick access to your post type, including custom ones, and every menu item based on the current user role.

Our plugin is designed to make using WordPress a seamless and enjoyable experience, both for you and your clients. With Easy Dashboard, you’ll be able to navigate the WordPress dashboard with ease and confidence, and achieve your goals in record time.

Gratisdi paket Creator
Instalasi aktif
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.