Displays a description list using the dl element consist of a series of term and description pairs (dt, dd).
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June 29, 2024
Instalasi aktif
Description List Block

Displays a description list or definition list using the <dl> element consist of a series of term and description pairs (<dt>, <dd>) and displays that elements in definition form like a dictionary in the Gutenberg block editor.

Tip Top Press

We’re Tip Top Press and create Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress. If you want to know about what we’re working on and you are interested in backgrounds then you can read all newes storys on our blog.


  • Indent-, Grid and Disable Block CSS Block Styles
  • Indent or spacing settings
  • Color, spacing, indent, horizontal whitspce, font-size, font-style and font-weight settings for both element tags
  • Create a description list with n-elements
  • Insert a new term (<dt>) and description (<dd>) before selection
  • Insert a new term (<dt>) and description (<dd>) after selection
  • Delete the selcted term (<dt>) and description (<dd>) pair
  • Access via Shortcuts


While using this plugin if you find any bug or any conflict, please submit an issue at Github (If possible with a pull request).

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