
Custom Login Form and Logout Redirect

With Custom Login Form and Logout Redirect, allows you create a login form for use anywhere (Post, Page, Custom Post Type, Widget,…) and Logout Redire …
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March 24, 2021
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Custom Login Form and Logout Redirect

With Custom Login Form and Logout Redirect, allows you create a login form for use anywhere (Post, Page, Custom Post Type, Widget,…) and Logout Redirect custom within WordPress.

Videmo Demo Use Plugin: Custom Login Form and Logout Redirect

How use it?

  • In order to create a login form on your site with the default options, all you need to do is use this shortcode:


  • However, If you want to customize login form, you can access the menu: Settings >> Login Form – Logout , you can see screenshot here

  • Form Login after using shortcode [mstteam_login_form] and customize via general settings. view screenshot here

  • To redirect a WordPress logout to custom URL, you need input URL into Logout redirect URL field. view screenshot here

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