
Copyright shortcode creator VICT

Shortcodes to show the current year, the copyright logo and/or the sitename wherever you want it.
Terakhir diperbarui
March 18, 2024
Copyright shortcode creator VICT

Shortcodes to display the current year, copyright logo and/or site name. You can choose from several variants by means of different shortcodes. Simply add the shortcode where you want the copyright notice to appear, this can be in a template, in the WordPress customizer or in a page or post. Don’t forget the [ ] brackets!

1. [vict_y] displays the current year 2. [vict_nc] displays the website name and copyright logo 3. [vict_ncy] displays the website name, copyright logo and year 4. [vict_ncyr] displays the website name, copyright logo, year and “all rights reserved”

See attached images to see exactly what the different shortcodes look like on your website.

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.