Clean UP your Cache Folders. Scheduled Cache Cleaner with Email Notification.
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October 12, 2020
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Cache Cleaner – Scheduled

Cache Cleaner

Scheduled Cache Cleaner A Smart “Must Use” Add-On! Compatible with: 1. Autoptimize 2. WP Rocket 3. W3 Total Cache 4. WP Super Cache 5. WP Fastest Cache 6. Comet Cache 7. Cache Enabler – WordPress Cache Email Notifications Every Time Cache is Cleaned you will be Notified

Cache Cleaner will Clean Up your Cache Folders. Take a look if your Speed Optimization Plugin is Supported.

Keep your Cache Size Under Control. Easy to Use and Effective !

You Want to Request Support for Another Optimization Plugin in our Next Release? or You Need Help with your Website? Check out our Services, or just contact us: Lumiverse Dynamic

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.