Perbanyak fitur situs Anda dengan plugin

Tambahkan fungsionalitas dan integrasi baru ke situs Anda dengan ribuan plugin.

20 plugin
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    SNS Count Cache
    oleh Daisuke Maruyama
    This plugin gets and caches SNS counts in the background, and help you to shorten page loading time through the use of cache mechanism.
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    Saitama Addon Pack
    oleh Communitycom
    This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web site.
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    Social Engine: Schedule Social Media Posts
    oleh Jordy Meow
    Effortlessly schedule and automate the perfect posts for all your networks. Unlimited capabilities and infinite extensibility, for free! Boost your pr …
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    Jetpack Sharing Source Pack
    oleh Daisuke Takahashi(Extend Wings)
    Add more services to Jetpack Sharing
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    Game Users Share Buttons
    oleh Game Users
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    Viber Sharing Button for Jetpack
    oleh Valerio Souza, WordLab Academy
    Add Viber button to Jetpack Sharing
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    oleh nan
    专为中国网友设计的社交网络纯绿色分享插件,率先支持 Retina 显示屏,另有 Chrome drupal 等平台支持 ...
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    oleh –Flyぁ梦–
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    SMS Sharing Button for Jetpack
    oleh Valerio Souza, WordLab Academy
    Add SMS button to Jetpack Sharing
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    Simple Post Share
    Show SNS button on the post page.
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    TNK SNS share link buttons
    oleh TNK Software(Tanaka Yusuke)
    It creates link buttons to the target blog article page for sharing SNS services.
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    Plugin Name: iQiPlus
    oleh iQi
    SNS share tools for japan(日本人のためにデザインしたソーシャルシェアツールです。)
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    oleh 领头羊网络
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    QQ Weibo Plugin for WordPress
    oleh shapherd
    A very simple plugin shows the recent tweets from your QQ Weibo.
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    Sina Weibo Plugin for WordPress
    oleh Liang ZHOU (
    A very simple plugin shows the recent tweets from your Sina Weibo.
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    oleh Prince
    1.As long as one minute, quickly have your site sns function, but do not increase the burden of your system resources.
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    Simple SNS Account Management
    oleh YAT
    Registration of SNS account from the management screen.
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    Pivto for Wordpress
    oleh Pivto
    Instantly transforms your blog into an s-blog! Change your classic blog or shopping site into a fun social networking site (SNS) around your posts and …
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    BLT Counter
    oleh shoshirasaka
    Display the total number of Hatena Bookmarks, Facebook Likes and Tweets of your post/page.
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    Plugin Name: 微集分插件
    oleh uper.
    微集分是一个提供网页地址收藏、分享及发送的WEB2.0按钮工具,借助微集分插件,网站的浏览者可以方便的分享内容到人人网、开心网、QQ空间、新浪微博等一系列SNS站点。 网站主可以在微集分网站中获得分享按钮JS代码,嵌入到自己的网站,让网站链接分享到互联网各个角落!通过微集分插件,您的网站的浏览者可以便捷得分享您网站上的内容到人人网、开心网、qq空间、新浪微博等SNS站点进行传播,为您的网站带回更多的流量。通过微集分插件,您网站上的网页将更容易被百度搜索引擎所发现,从而有机会从百度搜索带回更多的流量。通过微集分插件,后续您还可以免费获取详尽的分享统计分析,了解网民将您网站上哪些内容分享到哪些SNS网站,每日的分享次数是多少,帮您更好得的跟踪、分析、激励用户的分享行为,为网站带来更多的流量。(该功能即将开放,敬请期待)赶紧免费获取微集分插件,获取更多的流量,您还等什么呢?启用插件后,可以点击这里进行配置。