
Broken Link Checker | Finder

Detect broken links, broken images, embed youtube videos using the simple to use Broken Link Checker | Finder plugin.
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August 8, 2023
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Broken Link Checker | Finder

You can check dead links present on your WordPress website using this FREE, Simple & very easy-to-setup plugin.

The plugin is designed to find and verify links that are posted anywhere on your website. Each link is checked to find if it works as intended or not. It allows you to find broken image links as well.

Dead links across your website may cause your SEO rankings to decrease, as Google and other search engine crawlers find them and mark them as harmful. These links can be posted anywhere on your forums as comments or posts.

Broken Link Checker monitors and tests all internal links & external links on your site. It helps you in SEO optimization and user experience.

The plugin allows you to check all comments and posts through a single pass and generates a report about comments, posts and links that may need to be removed or modified.

The plugin also generates report for the links which are getting redirected to other url. Report also shows wherer it is getting redirected to. This plugin also provides one more button in report tab which redirects to parent page of Broken Link.

FREE Plugin Feature

  • Manual Scan: Scans dead links present on your WordPress site’s published pages.
  • Report: You can see the report during the scan too.
  • Edit page: Provides an link to edit the parent page of broken link.
  • Download report in CSV format: You can download the report in CSV format.
Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.