Allows users to categorize blogs by topic. Allows users to categorize blogs by topic. Includes multiple optional widgets and optional sample theme cod …
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April 19, 2011
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This plugin creates site-wide topics. Each blog can be identified as belonging to a single topic. Blog owners can select a topic for their blog at creation time, and through a menu under settings. Blog owners can also choose whether or not to include their content in any site-wide aggregated content via the Blog Topics Settings menu.

Site Admins can set up the site-wide topics, select a “featured topic,” and manage blog’s topic settings through the Site Admin -> Blogs -> Edit menu.

This plugin comes with 5 optional widgets (in the widgets subdirectory).

  1. BT – Topic Name – displays the name of the topic of the current blog.
  2. BT – Related Blogs – displays a linked list of other blogs in the same topic.
  3. BT – Related Posts – displays the title of the N most recent posts in the same topic as the current blog.
  4. BT – Featured Topic w/Posts – displays the N most recent posts from the “featured” topic.
  5. BT – Topics w/Posts – displays the N most recent posts from each topic, with the option of excluding selected topics.

Some of the widgets rely on theme code for topic listing pages and site listing pages, referred to as “portal links.” All portal links can be turned on and off in the widgets. This plugin comes with a sample theme to help you learn how to modify your own theme to incorporate the portal elements.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.