Simple plugin takes a ticket number via front-end submission and queries the Autotask API, returning a ticket summary with time entries and notes
Terakhir diperbarui
September 11, 2014
Instalasi aktif

This plugin queries the Autotask API using your supplied user credentials. Your autotask account must be activated for API access for this plugin to work, which will require contacting Autotask Support to accomplish.

You will also need to know which region your account is hosted in, which can be easily deduced by your Autotask Dashboard URL (instead of a preceeding “www”, you will see “ww” followed by a number. This number is what you need to remember)

The plugin has a built in test query that you can run after submitting your credentials.

There are two shortcodes provided, one outputs the searching form (which also takes an optional label parameter for the ticket number search field) and the other outputs the search results. The output is hard-coded but there are CSS classes available for manually styling the output.

There is also a premium version available, with some extra features to truly integrate this plugin with your own site’s theme, with more features to come! Check it out:

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.