
ArtiBot Free Chat Bot for WebSites

ArtiBot is a Free Chatbot with 3 big features: Get Leads, Schedule Appointments, Collect Payment.
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June 6, 2024
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ArtiBot Free Chat Bot for WebSites

ArtiBot is a Free Chatbot with 3 big features: Get Leads, Schedule Appointments, Collect Payment.

Capturing leads through a conversational flow that you design has never been easier. The conversation can branch based on user’s answers, allowing you to identify more urgent leads or asking a different set of questions based on the lead type.

Connect ArtiBot to your Google Calendar, and ArtiBot can offer appointment slots to your visitors so they can schedule an appointment on the fly, without the need for any human intervention.

Let ArtiBot collect payments for you. Simply connect a payment processor, like Stripe, provide some basic information to ArtiBot, and ArtiBot takes it from there.

It works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! It’s super easy to setup and use. Plus, it’s free.

For more information, visit

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