
Animated Typed JS Shortcode

This plugin add shortcode to create an animated typing effect with Typed JS. No settings needed, just plug and play.
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August 12, 2023
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Animated Typed JS Shortcode

Create an animated typing effect with Typed.js easily.

Just install and activate, Animated Typed JS Shortcode plugin and you can start using [typedjs][/typedjs] shortcode to create your animated typing text.

No settings needed just plug and play.

How to use the shortcode?

You can use the shortcode just like this:

[typedjs]My animated typing text[/typedjs]

To show more than 1 string/text, separate the strings with a double colons (::) like this:

[typedjs]My animated typing text::It's freaking awesome![/typedjs]

If you want to customize your animated text behaviour, you can use shortcode attributes to do that like this:

[typedjs loop=true]My animated typing text::It's freaking awesome!::It's now looping, OMG![/typedjs]

Here are the list of all available attributes that you can use:

  • typespeed : The text typing speed in milliseconds (default: 50)
  • startdelay : Delay time before typing start in milliseconds (default: 500)
  • backspeed : Backspacing speed in milliseconds (default: 50)
  • backdelay : Time before backspacing in milliseconds (default: 500)
  • smartbackspace : Only backspace what doesn’t match the previous string (default: true)
  • shuffle : Shuffle the strings (default: false)
  • fadeout : Fade out instead of backspace (default: false)
  • fadeoutdelay : Time before fade out in milliseconds (default: 500)
  • loop : Loop strings animation (default: false)
  • loopcount : Amount of loops if enabled (default: Infinity)
  • showcursor : Show/hide cursor (default: true)
  • cursorchar : Character to be used as cursor (default: |)
  • class: Custom class for the shortcode element (default: ”)


Thanks to Matt Boldt for creating this cool library Typed.js!

Gratisdi paket Creator
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