Accu auto backup plugin takes wordpress database backup automatically with define specific schedule. Manual or automated backups option available.
Terakhir diperbarui
February 10, 2022
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Accu Auto Backup
  • Accu auto backup allow you to take backup as per schedule like ( Daily,Weekly,Monthly.. ).
  • All taken backup is stored in zip format, you can download.
  • It will allow you to take backup using two method in which one will be through automation and another have manual.

Major Features

  • Create Database Backup Accu Auto Backup plugin helps you to create Database Backup easily on single click.
  • Create and Manage automation cron by plugin. It will manage your linux cron automatically by adding cron to automate backup schedule.
  • You can also manage backup automation from other cron job providing web-sites like etc.


  • WordPress 4.0 and PHP 7.X required!
  • Linux based Hosting having shell_exec permission enabled.
  • For windows based hosting you can have only manual option avaliable.

Accu Auto Backup Premium

Our free version is great, but we also have a more powerful Premium version with extra features that offer the ultimate flexibility:

  • Instant Backup for database, files and folders.
  • Backup your shop database, files and folders.
  • Automatic backup.
  • Set specific interval (ex. daily, weekly, and monthly) to start the backup.
  • Backup creating in ZIP format so easily restored it.

Accu Auto Backup Premium is available for purchase here

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.