
WP Travel MapQuest

A simple map addon to WP Travel plugin which can be used in place of Google Map.
עודכן לאחרונה
June 30, 2023
התקנות פעילות
WP Travel MapQuest

WP Travel Mapquest is a map display plugin which is a fantastic way of showing your business location. It is a simple map addon to WP Travel plugin which can be used in place of Google Map. This plugin can replace the use of google map with its own features of locating the desired locations.

Plugin features:

  • Zoom Level setting
  • Mark the location by adding the value of latitude and longitude
  • Search feature
  • And more under development …

Our Other Addons:

Our Themes:

Customization and Flexibility

WP Travel Mapquest plugin is very flexible and highly customizable. There are a number of hooks and filters which makes plugin really flexible from the developer's point of view. There are no of options which add further more flexibility in the plugin.

Dedicated Support and Documentation

We have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum.

Also you can checkout WP Travel MapQuest documentation.

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