
WP Open Comment Links in New Window

Opens all the links (URLs) added in the comments and author URL, in a new tab or window.
עודכן לאחרונה
April 30, 2024
התקנות פעילות
WP Open Comment Links in New Window

WordPress comments are very important for a blog and really makes it possible to interact with users. Comments are why users take more interest in a blog.

But one of the problems with the comments is that all the links (URLs) in the comments open in the same window. This diverts the user's mind away from the actual post and increases the bounce rate.

This plugin opens all the links added in the comments and author URL, in a new tab or window which helps to decrease the bounce rate and increase user engagement on your blog.

Follow the development of this plugin on GitHub

P.S. It is always the best policy to open a support thread first before posting any negative review.

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