wp-isbn plugin allows you use ISBN shortcode and maintain a personal library in your WordPress..
עודכן לאחרונה
July 14, 2015
התקנות פעילות

The wp-isbn plugin allows you to use a ISBN shortcode with an ISBN number, like [isbn 9788467908787], and it will show a thumbnail and title of the book, with a link to Amazon.

The plugin uses [ISBN Search]http://www.isbnsearch.org/isbn/ to look for titles and show them. It shows the Amazon page of the title when clicked. ISBN Search works better with ISBN-13 codes (you can get them in the barcode of your book).

The structure of the shortcode allows you to style it, with classes:

  • isbn-block
  • isbn-image
  • isbn-title



  • Users can choose the ISBN engine
  • Users can change CSS classes
  • Users can select if the thumbnail and title is linked or not
  • Users can add more fields to the info, not only the title
  • Users can choose the external link
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