
WP Google Maps Auto Business Place Finder

Show a detailed map of any kind of business places, like hotels, restaurants, airports, art galleries etc, with a shortcode or by cat/tag with auto se …
עודכן לאחרונה
September 12, 2015
התקנות פעילות
WP Google Maps Auto Business Place Finder

With this plugin, you can show the map with any kind of place, e.g. hotels, restaurants, airports, art galleries etc. Suppose you have a webcam-containing 2000 items and would like to insert a list of hotels for every place. No more having to edit each item individually, no fatigue, he'll find the correct location. All automatically. For each hotel, also they display details such as stars, address, website. The list of hotels is ordered from the nearest center of the map to farthest. It is also possible to place the search form of a place. With each drag the map, everything is recalculated.

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