Display Fancy CSS Message Box in Page/Post via short code
עודכן לאחרונה
September 13, 2014
התקנות פעילות
WP Fancy Message Box

Uses shortcode to display diffrent style message box like error message box, info message box, you can configure different message box using shortcode parameters. See below shortcode with default parameters…. [wpfmb type='info' theme=1]your message[/wpfmb] You can use only below shortcode for defaults which is equal to above shortcode. [wpfmb]your message[/wpfmb]

And you can set different values like…

  1. type : set type which one you want to display as message box like info,warning,success,delete… Or 'up','down','left','right' if using theme=3.
  2. theme : set theme with option 1,2 or 3 to set message box style

Arbitrary section 1

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