WP Contents Dynamic Display allows users to create variations of contents that gets displayed based on condition using a shortcode anywhere.
עודכן לאחרונה
September 27, 2016
התקנות פעילות
WP Contents Dynamic Display

Dynamic Contents WordPress Plugin is designed to pin dynamic content to any part of your website via shortcode using multiple conditions. Choose to display, or to not display content based on a page, page template, post or post category.

Depending on your conditions, you can change the output value from anywhere on your website with a single shortcode. You can create any amount of rules and conditions in a single shortcode, or use multiple shortcodes.

In addition, you can use this plugin to create contents and embed it on anywhere on the website and make all of those information updated from one place.

One example is to display phone number for tech support page and sales phone on contact page through a single short code embeded on a sidebar text widget or anywhere in the content area.


  • This plugin is provided as is without any warranty.
  • All supports maybe available voluntarily by the development team.
  • Any suggestions, complaints, support requests are happily accepted via email at support@icanwp.com


  • No limitations at this time.
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