"Wp-autosave" plugin is for automatically saving posts being written in the Classic Editor
עודכן לאחרונה
December 18, 2019
התקנות פעילות

"Wp-autosave" plugin is for automatically saving posts being written in the Classic Editor

Note: This plugin works as an additional module to the Classic Editor plugin by WordPress Contributors since WordPress version 5.0+, because the original Classic Editor was replaced with a new editor – Gutenberg. So the original Classic Editor plugin is required to work with WP-Autosave plugin for all actual WordPress versions.

In case of older versions of WordPress (<5.0), the original Classic Editor plugin is not required because Classic Editor is used by default.

Major features of plugin: – Auto-save post to drafts at regular time intervals by multipart requests. (To check the functionality it's enough to have the rights to create an entry in the wp-blog (you can test through a user-account) – you will see all requests through the developer tools or some other tools) – Intellectual immediately auto-save post to drafts when you change the text in the editor – You can attach a time-stamp to request through the settings of the plugin (appendix time of saving in the query) – You can set your auto-save interval – You can choose the type of saving – by time intervals or when content is changed

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